Monday, September 20, 2010

Strep Throat

Ok. So the last blog entry was very angry. That was a really rough night for me. I was sick of being sick. And when you are sick, it is really hard to not be homesick as well. I just wanted to be back in my bed in Oregon.

But I'm feeling a lot better. Sort of. Still really sick, but I guess I just have a better outlook right now. So here is a better summary of the last few days.

Wednesday my friend Lisa and I went to the Bicentennial Expo. It is this giant expo on the outskirts of Silao showcasing the history of Mexico. And it is enormous. We only saw about half of it. We only went to three showrooms and it took all day.

The first was the Pavilion of Identity. It was my favorite. It just traced back the history of Mexican identity in documents and art, starting from the conquest and ending in the present. The last part was a huge display which showed all of the different indigenous groups in Mexico and their artwork, which was incredible. There was also a cool visual about migration patterns to the US.

Next was the Pavilion of Memory, which recounted the history of Mexico. You go from room to room watching little shows about key moments in Mexican history in spaces decorated to mimic the event. It was really cool at first, but there were at least 15 rooms. It took a good two hours. Around this time is when I started feeling really sick, so I wasn't even paying attention. It would be cool to go back healthy and listen.

After that we had lunch. Tacos smothered in salsa verde. Coffee ice cream. Yummm.

Then we went to the Pavilion of Tomorrow. It was all about the history of humans on earth and our impact. By this point though I felt like I was going to pass out, so I don't really remember a lot.There was really amazing artwork here, and lots of cool stats about global warming. My favorite was this room that was completely covered in trash, and in the middle there was a sculpture made from plastic bags of a woman hanging. It was intense.

After the expo, I went to a little party that Lisa's mom had planned to celebrate Independence. It was super cute. There was a Mexican costume contest and some really yummy food. Her host dad (also my Cinema professor) reenacted the Grito de Dolores for everyone.

Then we decided to head to the Alhondiga to catch the official reenactment of the Grito, but our taxi never showed up to pick us up (the two of us have a history of bad luck with taxis. Sad). We got there just in time for fireworks, then met up with Charlie, Erika, and Lindsey for some more tacos. I felt like I was going to die but went anyway. I hardly remember that at all.

After getting home that night I passed out and didn't wake up until midday Thursday. I hardly remember that day at all. I was feverish, covered in sweat, had no voice or appetite, and could hardly get out of bed. My mom wanted to take me to the doctor, but being stubborn me I said I wanted to rough it out another day to see if I got better. The minute I woke up on Friday I knew that was a mistake. My tonsils were completely covered in giant white spots. So I gave in and went to the doctor.

The minute he looked at my tonsils he took a giant step back and said OH MY GOD. Then he made my mom look and she did the same thing. It wasn't pretty. He said he needed to inject me with high doses of a medicine, but I am allergic to it. So I got pills instead, and a follow up appointment on Sunday. He said that if it hadn't started to clear up by then I would have to go to the hospital, so I was pretty worried. I had a liquid only diet and was banished to my bed for the weekend.

My follow up appointment Sunday was somewhat exciting. My mom was going to take me again but she got hung up somewhere, so I went by myself. At first I was super nervous, but I had more confidence in my Spanish than when I went with Lalo or my mom. Maybe it is better that I do these things by myself. Anyways, he looked at my throat and was not very happy. It wasn't hospital worthy, but I have to keep taking medicine. In October I have to get some labwork done and I have another appointment with the doctor. Great fun.

This week will be spent resting and tackling the massive amount of homework that I neglected all week. Lots of reading, two papers, and a presentation. Plus I have to get started on that research paper for history. Hopefully the gross feeling I always have when I'm taking meds fades away soon so that I can focus.

Also, my trip to Oaxaca and Chiapas is pretty muched planned. I think I am going the last week of November with Lisa. Hopefully my insurance reimburses me soon for some of these medical expenses, because otherwise I am basically going to have money for the bus and nothing else. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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