Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The first time I ever saw a scorpion was within my first month of being in Mexico. It was a pretty tiny one, and rather than freak out I just stared at it for a really long time. They are so funny looking.

I find the occasional scorpion in my room, which doesn't really bother me. In this part of Mexico the scorpions are pretty small and not too harmful, whereas in other parts of the country if you get stung you are supposed to run to the hospital.

Friday night was the first time a scorpion actually made me freak out. It was late at night, and right as I was about to crawl into bed I noticed an ENORMOUS scorpion on the wall that my bed is up against, directly above my pillow. It was just out of my reach, so I couldn't just smash it with a shoe. I tried throwing shoes at it, swinging a towel at it, and banging on the wall to try and make it come down (and hopefully not fall into my bed), but it was staying put.

Frustrated, I decided to take a break to get some water. Miracle of all miracles, my host brother was awake and in the kitchen, so I recruited him to help me. Even he freaked out a little about how big this guy was. Picture below. (Though I have to say, the picture doesn't really do it justice.)

We ended up pulling my bed away from the wall. He stood on a chair and with the help of a broom and a huge boot disposed of scary Mr. Scorpion. He left a really large gross stain on my wall.

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