Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I can't help but to start off yet another post expressing disbelief as to how quickly time has passed. The 9th will be my four month anniversary here. I will be back in Oregon in 29 days. Which means my time in Mexico is almost halfway over. Is that even possible? It feels like just yesterday that I was stumbling through Guanajuato, hopelessly lost and tripping over my words. On the other hand, it feels like that was centuries ago. Almost like that was a different Kelsey.

This is the last week of the International Cervantino Festival. I'm not going to miss the tourists that have been overloading the city for the past month, but I will miss all of the amazing performances and street artists. The living statues, the breakdancers, the hippie drum has all become such a part of the city that I almost can't imagine what it was like beforehand.

Friday I finish classes at 9, and we had Monday and Tuesday off for Día de los Muertos. Basically, a 5 day weekend! It has been a long, exhausting weekend with lots of ups and downs, but here are the highlights:
-Get invited to the first family outing with my family. A combination housewarming/graduation from dentistry school party. Amazing food, beer, a ridiculous amount of family members, and a gorgeous home makes for a great party.
-Cervantino event: Dancers on stilts. I have never seen anything like it, it was very impressive.
-Day of the Dead! SO COOL. This was one of the biggest reasons I finally chose to come to Mexico, I have always been fascinated by this. People have been selling marigolds and sugar skulls on the street for weeks now. My family didn't make an altar but they did buy lots of marigolds for the house. They also made atole (a drink made from corn) and cajeta de nuez and de guyaba to put on the pan de los muertos, which is absolutely delicious. I would upload pictures but the internet is being really slow right now, so I will put them up next time.

The next two weeks are going to be really tough. All I have left for my classes are papers, then I am DONE and off to Oaxaca and Chiapas. Here is what I have:
  • History research paper: National and International Coverage of the 1968 Student Movement (specifically the massacre at Tlatelolco) (1/15 pages)
  • Literature final paper: Alejo Carpentier: Afrocubanismo and Lo Real Maravilloso (1/10 pages)
  • Cine final paper: Topic unknown (0/? pages)
  • Spanish final paper and presentation: Topic unknown (0/3 pages)

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